Six practical actions for setting and reaching Living Wage targets

With more than one billion working people (a third of the global workforce) struggling to earn enough for a decent standard of living, ensuring a living wage is paramount to our achievement of the 2030 Agenda.
Man smiling

Sustainable finance explained: Why it matters and how your business can lead

Sustainable finance supports mobilizing private and public capital to fund projects that advance inclusive growth outcomes, such as mitigating climate change, enhancing social equity and fostering sustainable economic growth.
Street and Lights

5 Key Takeaways for Business Leaders from UNCCD Land COP16

The gathering focused on the need for land restoration, highlighting the importance of soil health, the increasing risk of drought and the impacts of degraded land on migration, geopolitical tensions and food insecurity.
Namibian Desert

2024: A Year of Major Progress for the UN Global Compact

As the year draws to a close, we reflect on 2024 with gratitude and renewed purpose.
happy crowd on stage at leaders summit

3 steps every business leader can take to combat corruption

9 December marks International Anti-Corruption Day. Check out the three key steps every business leader can take to combat corruption.

