Designed to help you find the resources you need to take the next step on your sustainability journey.
Here is a template of the CoP questionnaire. All UN Global Compact business participants are required to manually complete the digital version, accessible through their UN Global Compact Participant Dashboard. The CoP questionnaire focuses on five disclosure areas (governance, human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption) and is designed to help participating companies monitor performance across the Ten Principles. There will be no scoring or ranking associated with the CoP questionnaire. Rather, the objective is to create transparency and enable progress.
The 2025 Communication on Progress (CoP) Questionnaire Guidebook is designed to assist UN Global Compact business participants in completing the 2025 CoP Questionnaire. This guidebook offers insights into the CoP and the interoperability of the corporate reporting landscape. Most importantly, it provides detailed explanations and justifications for each question in the CoP
The official CEO Statement of Continued Support template for the 2025 CoP Reporting period. The CEO Statement of Continued Support serves as a public declaration of UN Global Compact participants' ongoing commitment to the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact at the highest level.
Communication on Progress Amendment Policy
The official policy for the 2025 CoP, detailing requirements, processes, and timelines for submissions in 2025.
View the 20 Cases examples for 20 years Private Sector's Sustainable Development in China
Here is a template of the Forward Faster questionnaire. The Forward Faster initiative aims to increase accountability and transparency by calling for companies to publicly declare their commitments on the Sustainable Development Goals and highlight the actions they will undertake to meet the targets. Companies committing to the targets are required to report on progress annually to the UN Global Compact. All Forward Faster companies are required to manually complete the digital version of this questionnaire, accessible through their UN Global Compact Participant Dashboard. There will be no scoring or ranking associated with the Forward Faster questionnaire. Rather, the objective is to create transparency and enable progress.
The integrity measures are in place to protect the integrity of the initiative and the UN from key risks associated with the potential for misrepresentation. These integrity measures are aimed at promoting greater public accountability and transparency of participants for their corporate sustainability performance and are comprised of our reporting policies, logo policy and dialogue facilitation process. Implementation of the integrity measures is overseen by the UN Global Compact Board.
Logo Policy
The Forward Faster action guides provide companies that have committed or are considering committing to the Forward Faster initiative, with additional, target-specific details on key definitions, examples of actions and key performance indicators (KPIs), including interim targets, resources and policy advocacy that companies can utilize as they define a strategy to meet the target(s) by 2030.
The PRME Annual Report 2022 takes a look back at PRME's impact, highlights inspiring stories from the PRME community, and demonstrates transformative initiatives & progress toward a more sustainable future as a testament to our collective commitment to Responsible Management Education.
The role of businesses in society is continuously evolving, marked by increasing expectations that companies address political and social issues. This business brief focuses on transformational governance in the context of responsible governmental engagement and explores three prominent channels of governmental engagement - lobbying, advocacy and collective action - highlighting their complexities and the need for a clear integrity framework for related corporate action.