Our Integrity Measures

The UN Global Compact is a voluntary initiative that seeks to advance universal principles on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption through the active engagement of the corporate community, in cooperation with civil society and representatives of organized labour. Our initiative is not designed, nor does it have the mandate or resources, to monitor or measure participants’ performance. Nevertheless, with the aim of assuring that the integrity of the Global Compact is safeguarded at all times, the UN Secretary-General has adopted a set of integrity measures.

The measures are in place to protect the integrity of the initiative and the UN from key risks associated with the potential for misrepresentation. These integrity measures are aimed at promoting greater public accountability and transparency of participants for their corporate sustainability performance and are comprised of our reporting policies, logo policy and dialogue facilitation process. Implementation of the integrity measures is overseen by the UN Global Compact Board.

Communication on Progress/Communication on Engagement Policies

Reporting to stakeholders in a transparent and public manner is fundamental for organizations committed to sustainability. The Global Compact requires participating companies to produce an annual Communication on Progress (COP) that details their work to embed the Ten Principles into their strategies and operations, as well as efforts to support societal priorities. Non-business participants are required to produce an annual Communication on Engagement (COE) that describes the ways that they advance the initiative.

Global Compact Logo Policy

Global Compact participants are encouraged to use the “We Support the Global Compact” logo as a way to further show commitment and raise awareness of the initiative, for example on corporate websites and in corporate sustainability reports. Organizations must request permission from the Global Compact – and submit a sample of desired usage – before each use of the logo.

Global Compact Logo Policy

Dialogue Facilitation

To safeguard the reputation, integrity and good efforts of the Global Compact and its participants, the dialogue facilitation process is a transparent means to handle credible allegations of systematic or egregious abuse of the Global Compact’s overall aims and principles by a participating organization.

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